Friday, March 7, 2014

My Own Private Idaho: The definition of Avant-garde?

This week’s movie certainly brought an interesting perspective to one of the sects of the gay culture. The director of the movie Gus Van Sant had brought about several very different styles for specific shots. This is already shown very early on in both the opening credits and ending credits of the movie with having the shots composed of solid colors with the text of the individuals who are involved within the movie.

One of the more interesting shots I saw in the movie was the display of the model magazines within this drug store. I believe this shot was interesting just from looking at nothing but static objects and then all of the sudden the model magazines that had Keeanu Reeves and River Phoenix all of the sudden started coming to life and having a conversation with each other. Only after a little while they were talking the surrounding magazines started joining in on the conversation with them. This shot left a real impression on me because of the surreal nature of just seeing nothing but 2D images on a stand and then all of the suddenly they are given depth on a two dimensional surface there’s no way you can’t help but not be impressed by this shot.

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