Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top Ten Movies of this Course

10. My Own Private Idaho - An interesting movie that focuses on a culture / community that is seldom shown within mainstream media, has some cool special effects the one standing out being the magazine stand.
09. Wendy and Lucy - An interesting movie that points out serious flaws within not only are class based system but also how those of higher power (police) can really affect a person because of the laws they are enforcing.
08. The Vanishing - An intriguing suspenseful movie where we actually see how the murderer prepares to get his victims, great acting.
07. Sherlock Jr. - Classic slapstick physical comedy that reminds me of the Three Stooges
06. Detour - Classic Noir film that has an ever evolving plot for our protagonist.
05. Freaks - A disturbing yet accurate outlook on humanity, especially when it comes to greed.
04. O Brother Where Art Thou? - Funny Cohen Brothers movie, where we have three convicts get into unusual situations.
03. Awara - A cultural phenomena with excellent singing, dancing; as well as the effects for the dream sequences.
02. The Good The Bad and the Ugly - A classic spaghetti western film, great acting and plot.
01. Moonrise Kingdom - Very stylish and artistic movie with a very original plot; phenomenal camera work.

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